Unbelieveable, oil on canvas, 22x28", $845
Intrusion, oil on canvas, 22x28", $845
Brook Run, Edge of Twilight, oil on canvas, 36x36" SOLD
Alone in the Rain, oil on canvas, 36x36" SOLD
Brief Studies, oil on natural linen, 16x16x1" $400
My Field...
For about 15 years, I recorded images of this field, which is a mile from my house. At first I took photos of the sky, which had a clear and unobstructed view from the ground. Only later did I pay attention to what was happening below. I really began to sit up and take notice when I saw the 'Available' sign go up.
I determined to paint a series of the field and have a show, before it got plowed under.
'Unavailable—Views of a Field Whose Days are Numbered', featured 40 paintings: 24-5x7", 15-14x18", and one 36x36". It was my first solo show.
To date I have painted almost 80 images of that field. Here you see some of my favorites:
Brook Run, Fog in Field, oil on canvas, 36x36" SOLD
Miniatures, oil on panets, 5x7", $275
The field was sold, has been developed, and is now replaced with housing.
Field at Twilight, Purple, oil on canvaspaper, 6x6" SOLD
Field Views, oil on canvas, 14x18", framed $350