Linda's Blog—Travel and Art

  • Close Enough is Good Enough

    More on New Year Resolutions—Close Enough! Part 2 on Managing my Resolutions I decided to take a break from my travel/art adventures to write about New Year’s resolutions, which I hate. Two weeks ago I wrote about why you SHOULDN'T make New Year's resolutions, Link So, I want this to be a SHORT update on what I’ve done to get ahead of plans for 2017. As I stated before, it seems to be really important to ME to get ahead of the curve. I love making plans, but I have learned that I have to co…

  • DON’T Make New Year’s Resolutions!

    I really dislike the concept of New Year resolutions. The idea of starting off fresh, starting over, is an enticing one. The problem is, very few follow through for any length of time. I always feel like I’m already behind the eight ball when I ‘start’ my resolutions on New Year’s Day (actually, the day AFTER New Year’s Day), and there is a great deal of pressure and stress. Is that really the way I want to begin my New Year? No. No, it is not. So, a few years ago, I came up with a different pl…